Registration Timelines
We have over 70+ classes a week, that cover a wide variety of disciplines and ages.
If you have any questions regarding our programs, please email us at [email protected] or call us at (425) 357-8018.
Membership Fee:
Calculation of Tuition:
Payment of Tuition
Credit Card Surcharges
Dance Elite provides the opportunity for all families to pay by checking/savings account via our online portal, or by cash/check in person. All credit/debit card charges enrolled in automatic payment, or processed online will incur a 2.5% surcharge.
Withdrawals and Refunds:
Complete and sign a withdrawal form provided by the office.
Care of Students:
Instructor Absence/Snow Days:
Rescheduling & Substitution:
DE reserves the right to provide a substitute teacher if the regular teacher is ill or is otherwise unable to teach. DE reserves the right to reschedule or combine classes based on enrollment numbers, technique levels of dancer.
Dance Attire and Shoes:
The correct dance attire and shoes must be worn to each class. A list of the dress code is at the front desk and on our website. Dancers who are not appropriately dressed for class will be given a warning on the first offense, and then will be unable to participate if additional instances occur.
Dance Elite does not tolerate bullying/harassment. If we become aware of an instance between dancers, parents, families, etc., we will schedule a meeting to discuss the situation and next steps. If the situation is severe enough, dancers/families may be dismissed from the studio.
Lounge/Social Media:
Dance Elite works to maintain a positive environment that is supportive of all families. The lounge area inside the studio should remain positive, and appropriate for all ages. Any negative or inappropriate comments in studio, on Dance Elite property, or on social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc) by parents or students regarding DE, current students, or instructors may result in immediate dismissal from the studio.
Lost and Found:
Dance Elite is not responsible for belongings left on property during dance classes. Please mark all dancewear, shoes and personal items with your child’s name. Dance Elite will make every effort to locate and return lost items; however, we cannot be responsible for any items that your child brings to classes.
June Recital:
Our Annual June Recital details are still being confirmed as further information is gained regarding the current pandemic. Below is our standard procedure related to Recital. Updates may occur.
All dancers enrolled in classes will participate in our end of year show, with the exception of our Tiny Twos class who may opt out of the end of year show. Recital is tentatively slated to take place on the Third weekend of June . Families will pay $100/class to participate in our annual recital; This fee includes costume, tights, props, as well as administrative time for the procurement of all recital items and organization of our year end event This feel will be included with your monthly tuition payment ($10/month). Additional items such as T-shirt, DVD, Flowers and Pictures can be purchased separately.
Students are measured for costumes in January and they will be delivered in April/May. If a costume does not fit, we are able to exchange it within one week of receiving it at no cost to you, if it is returned in its original packaging. After that week, there may be additional shipping/handling fees and/or limited availability. If you need your costume altered in any way the studio will take care of all alterations.
Recital payments will not be refunded. Costumes will not be ordered if your account balance is not paid in full
- School Year (classes run September - June)
- Class Schedule is Released in early to mid May
- Registration begins late May for currently registered students, early June for all New Students
- Registration closes December 31st
- Summer Sessions (classes, camps & workshops run July & August)
- Class Schedule is released in early to mid February
- Registration begins early March, continues throughout the entire summer session.
We have over 70+ classes a week, that cover a wide variety of disciplines and ages.
If you have any questions regarding our programs, please email us at [email protected] or call us at (425) 357-8018.
Membership Fee:
- At the time of enrollment a registration fee of $35 is due. This covers a family’s first dancer for the entire school year (Sept - June). An additional $5/dancer is added if multiple dancers in one family.
- When enrolling you are committing to a MINIMUM of two months enrollment. A dancer's first and last months tuition is collected upon enrollment. My enrollment begins from the first day of classes as determined at registration. My dancer(s) will continue on an ongoing enrollment until year-end recital, unless I provide written notification to the Dance Elite office to discontinue classes. All withdrawals from class MUST BE provided in written form (form available online and at the front desk) to the front desk, and are required 2 weeks in advance of the withdrawal. I understand that simply not showing up to class does not constitute a withdrawal from class, and that I am still financially responsible for my dancer's tuition until the end of the two week notice.
- Dance Elite does not give credit and/or refunds for class(es) missed due to holiday, vacation, illness, weather, etc. I understand that my dancer has 30 days to make-up any missed or canceled (due to inclement weather or holidays) class, and is free to do so in any class which is appropriate for their age range. If we fail to make-up the missed class, we will not be provided a refund, and forfeit the rights to those missed lessons.
- Tardiness will not be permitted. Any dancer who arrives to class more than 10 minutes after the scheduled start time will be unable to participate in class. They may sit and observe class, but cannot participate as they have missed the required warm-up, stretching and are susceptible to injury.
Calculation of Tuition:
- Tuition is based on an equal amount of classes from September through June (34 classes, not including holidays). Dance Elite calculates your tuition for the ENTIRE SCHOOL YEAR (34 classes), and evenly splits your tuition into 10 equal monthly payments. This means that tuition remains the same whether it is a long (5 week) month or short (3 week) month, regardless of absences.
- Should a class be canceled due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances, or should a student miss a class because of illness, a make-up class can be scheduled within 30 days. Please call the office so the teacher can be notified of the make up.
- Tuition refunds are not given for missed classes as dancers have 30 days to make up any absence.
- Dancers can make up in any class for their same age/level. It does NOT have to be the same style (e.g. Combo 1 dancer can make up in Lil Hip Hop)
Payment of Tuition
- Tuition can be paid two ways,
- Ten monthly payments can be made by automatic withdrawal on the 25th of each month (August-May), from one of the following: checking account, savings account, debit card, or credit card.
- Monthly payments can be made by cash/check on the 25th of each month. If a family opts to pay by check or cash, they still must provide a credit/debit card to keep on file. If payments are not made by the 3rd of the month, the family authorizes Dance Elite to use the credit/debit card on file to process payment on the 4th of the month.
- Tuition is due the 25th of the month for the upcoming month . (Example: September tuition is due August 25th). If payments have not been made by the 3rd of each month, a $25 late fee will be added to your account. Dancers will not be able to participate in class or any other studio event if a family’s account is more than 14 days past due.
- Auto withdrawals happen on the 25th of every month for the upcoming month's tuition. If the 25th falls on a Sunday, tuition will be run the next business day.
- A $25 Late fee will be assessed on the 4th of the month to any account that has a balance due. Dancers who have an account that is more than 30 days past due will be unable to participate in class, studio events/performances, until the account is brought current.
- All NSF checks will be charged a $25 returned check fee.
- IMPORTANT: If you will be withdrawing from class you must give the office notice by the 15th of the month to stop auto withdrawals.
- Simply not showing up to class DOES NOT CANCEL your child's registration.
Credit Card Surcharges
Dance Elite provides the opportunity for all families to pay by checking/savings account via our online portal, or by cash/check in person. All credit/debit card charges enrolled in automatic payment, or processed online will incur a 2.5% surcharge.
Withdrawals and Refunds:
- There is a two month minimum for all lessons. Written notice is required to discontinue any classes. Withdrawal forms must be turned into the office. No other form will be accepted (i.e., E-mail, or over the phone).
- Simply not showing up to class does not cancel your child’s registration.*
- To withdraw from classes a parent or guardian must:
Complete and sign a withdrawal form provided by the office.
- No refunds will be given on the Recital Fee, or any pre-paid class tuition, after March 1st. Dance Elite reserves the right to terminate lessons to any students without notice. In such a case a refund for unused lessons will be given.
- Refunds will not be given for missed classes. Students who miss class have 30 days to make-up the missed class in a similar style/age appropriate class.
Care of Students:
- Dance Elite is not responsible for providing before or after class care for students. Students are not to be left at the school for excessive time periods before or after their classes (more than 5 minutes before or after a scheduled class).
- If a dancer is consistently dropped off at the studio, or left after class in excess of 5 minutes, Dance Elite will charge a $10 fee to the families account per each instance.
- Please be aware that we are a teaching studio, younger siblings and loud conversations in the waiting area are not only a disruption to the dancers, the teachers, but also the parents who are trying to watch their children.
- It is important our dancers come prepared, on time and consistently. It teaches them responsibility and respect. Not only for their teachers, but also for themselves and fellow classmates.
- Tardiness will not be permitted. Any dancer who arrives to class more than 10 minutes after the scheduled start time will be unable to participate in class.
- Dancers that are more than 10 minutes late will have missed the requisite warm-up, and are prone to injury. Dancers can stay to observe class, but will be unable to participate
- Dancers who miss an excessive number of classes, especially during recital time, will be responsible for scheduling a make-up class, or private lesson, to catch up on missed curriculum/activities. If a dancer has missed excessively during recital, they may be excluded from the year-end performance, or a portion of the dance if they are unable to make up the material. They also risk being promoted to the next level, as they will be unable to complete the requisite skills to advance.
- We want all of our dancers to come prepared and ready to work. It is unfair to those students who are consistently in class to allow a dancer who is not in class to perform when they are unprepared.
Instructor Absence/Snow Days:
- If classes are canceled due to instructor’s absence there will be a make-up class offered or a substitute instructor will be provided. In the case of inclement weather, the studio will follow closures for the local school districts (Including Edmonds, Everett, Snohomish, Mukilteo, Northshore, and Shoreline). Refunds will not be given for closures due to inclement weather. The studio will do its best to organize make-up classes when possible for inclement weather closures. The studio will not necessarily be closed for snow days, since many times the roads are clear and safe by the afternoon.
- Zoom classes may be available as normally scheduled classes in case of snow/inclement weather. If ALL instructors are able to teach safely from home with adequate power, internet classes will proceed as scheduled.
- Parents, legal guardians of minors, students and adult students waive the right to any legal action for any injury sustained on school property resulting from normal dance activity or any other activity conducted by the students before, during or after class time.
Rescheduling & Substitution:
DE reserves the right to provide a substitute teacher if the regular teacher is ill or is otherwise unable to teach. DE reserves the right to reschedule or combine classes based on enrollment numbers, technique levels of dancer.
Dance Attire and Shoes:
The correct dance attire and shoes must be worn to each class. A list of the dress code is at the front desk and on our website. Dancers who are not appropriately dressed for class will be given a warning on the first offense, and then will be unable to participate if additional instances occur.
Dance Elite does not tolerate bullying/harassment. If we become aware of an instance between dancers, parents, families, etc., we will schedule a meeting to discuss the situation and next steps. If the situation is severe enough, dancers/families may be dismissed from the studio.
Lounge/Social Media:
Dance Elite works to maintain a positive environment that is supportive of all families. The lounge area inside the studio should remain positive, and appropriate for all ages. Any negative or inappropriate comments in studio, on Dance Elite property, or on social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc) by parents or students regarding DE, current students, or instructors may result in immediate dismissal from the studio.
Lost and Found:
Dance Elite is not responsible for belongings left on property during dance classes. Please mark all dancewear, shoes and personal items with your child’s name. Dance Elite will make every effort to locate and return lost items; however, we cannot be responsible for any items that your child brings to classes.
June Recital:
Our Annual June Recital details are still being confirmed as further information is gained regarding the current pandemic. Below is our standard procedure related to Recital. Updates may occur.
All dancers enrolled in classes will participate in our end of year show, with the exception of our Tiny Twos class who may opt out of the end of year show. Recital is tentatively slated to take place on the Third weekend of June . Families will pay $100/class to participate in our annual recital; This fee includes costume, tights, props, as well as administrative time for the procurement of all recital items and organization of our year end event This feel will be included with your monthly tuition payment ($10/month). Additional items such as T-shirt, DVD, Flowers and Pictures can be purchased separately.
Students are measured for costumes in January and they will be delivered in April/May. If a costume does not fit, we are able to exchange it within one week of receiving it at no cost to you, if it is returned in its original packaging. After that week, there may be additional shipping/handling fees and/or limited availability. If you need your costume altered in any way the studio will take care of all alterations.
Recital payments will not be refunded. Costumes will not be ordered if your account balance is not paid in full
- We will have our annual recital at the end of our school year (typically the third weekend of June).
- Cost for recital is $100/class/dancer, and that includes the basics for each dancer (e.g. 1 costume, props/accessories, 1 pair of tights, administrative time for ordering/processing/fitting/exchange costumes).
- Recital costume fees will be divided into 10 equal payments and paid monthly along with your dancers tuition ($10/month)
- Tickets for recital are paid separately. Each family is guaranteed 4 tickets for purchase. Additional tickets may become available.
- Parents may purchase additional recital items (e.g. Photos, DVD, Flowers, etc) for an additional price.
- Costumes are required for the performance. Costume orders need to be placed by February 15th.
- Costumes will be ordered through the front office for each class. See Recital Information page for more details.